Just over two years ago, when we, Alexis and Natalie launched the Edible Alchemy project there were many visions for what it could become driving its activities. The project aimed to encourage conversations, experiments and a greater understanding about the microbes that make fermented foods so special. We also believe in reducing waste while supporting local food production so we use the principles of fermentation in creative ways to adapt to shifting supplies and changing seasons, making one-of-a-kind products for one-of-a-kind experiences. Fermentation is just one tool in a basket of food skills that help reduce environmental impact and promote a holistic understanding of how microbes influence the world around us.
Our mission to engage with people about fermentation wherever we can turned us into:
delivering small jars of fizzy substances ranging from kombucha SCOBYS to seed cheeses by bicycle.
serving up our herbal, cultured elixers at art shows, festivals & special events
there are so many ways to learn about the (micro)//(macro)scopic world through the lens of fermentation. We have collaborated with many organizations: from community agriculture projects looking for more ways to preserve their harvest or a deeper understanding of the composting process, to English as an Additional Language (EAL) classes for some unique new vocabulary and conversation practice in a kitchen setting, to food savers who jump in dumpsters, to salvage vessels and tackle food waste with fermentation.
to spread the word and share what we know we employ the same tactile approach to the artwork that permeates our project. We use various printing techniques to add some special fizz to reclaimed materials with our zines/posters/labels/displays.
at sustainability drinks in Berlin, January 2015
Our rag-tag, shapeshifting crew has developed an international flavour, with projects and collaborations bubbling to the surface in Canada, USA, Germany, Hungary, Romania, Sweden etc. Edible Alchemy CoLaboratory is a platform to promote food skills and creative experimentation through fermentation. Where this project will take us next has yet to be seen. Jump aboard!!
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